Funding and Support
Support from the following agencies is gratefully acknowledged, but with the traditional absolution from responsibility for any of our actions, writings or conclusions. All research activities, publications and other actions of the project personnel are our own and may not be attributed to the funders or other supporters.
Financial Support
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
“Antagonistic Tolerance in Turkey,” 2008-2010. Aykan Eerdemir, Tugba Tanyeri-Erdemir & Robert M. Hayden, Co-PIs.
National Science Foundation
“Antagonistic Tolerance: A Comparative Study of Competitive Sharing of Religious Sites,” 2008-2012. Award ID 0719677. Robert M. Hayden, PI.
University of Pittsburgh
Provost’s Office, Department of Anthropology, Center for Latin American Studies: Small grant support
Other Support
(Workshop and Fieldwork Hosting, Visa & Logistical Support, etc):
University of Pittsburgh Center for Russian & East European Studies
Middle East Technical University
Sofia University St. Klement Ohridski
University of Delhi
American Institute of Indian Studies
Belgrade University Faculty of Political Sciences
Fundação Oriente, Goa
Campo Arqueológico de Mértola
Centro de História de Além-Mar (CHAM); Universidade Nova de Lisboa